Server with tattoos setting up the iPad and card reader for a customer to pay with a Visa card

Do You Tip in Bali 2023? A Complete Guide to Tipping in Bali Successfully

When travelling to a foreign country, it’s important to know the customs and etiquette, including tipping practices. Bali, a popular tourist destination in Indonesia, is no exception. Many visitors to Bali may wonder if tipping is expected or customary, and if so, how much to tip. 

While tipping is not a traditional practice in Bali, it has become more common in recent years due to the influx of tourism. It’s important to note that there is no set rule for tipping in Bali, and it largely depends on the situation and the service provided. 

Some may argue that tipping is unnecessary in Bali, as many service workers are already paid a low wage. However, others may feel that tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service and to support the local economy. Ultimately, the decision to tip or not is up to the individual, and it’s important to be respectful and considerate of local customs and traditions.

A tip jar with some money inside - tipping in Bali

Understanding Tipping in Bali

When it comes to tipping in Bali, it is not always expected or required. However, it is always appreciated when given. Tipping is a way to show gratitude for good service and hospitality. While it is not mandatory, it is a common practice in Bali’s tourism industry. 

Unlike in Western countries, where tipping is a customary practice, tipping in Bali is not mandatory. It is up to the individual to decide whether to tip or not. However, it is important to note that many workers in Bali’s tourism industry rely on tips to supplement their income. 

When it comes to restaurants, many establishments include a service charge of 10% in the bill. This means that tipping is not necessary, but it is still appreciated. If the service charge is not included, a tip of 10-15% is customary. 

When it comes to other services, such as spas, hairdressers, and taxi drivers, tipping is not mandatory, but it is appreciated. A tip of 10-15% is customary for these services as well. 

It is important to note that tipping should be given based on the quality of service provided. If the service was exceptional, a higher tip may be appropriate. However, if the service was poor, tipping is not necessary. 

Overall, tipping in Bali is not mandatory, but it is a way to show appreciation for good service. It is up to the individual to decide whether to tip or not, but it is important to remember that many workers in Bali’s tourism industry rely on tips to supplement their income. 

Tipping in Restaurants

How Much to Tip in Restaurants

In Bali, tipping in restaurants is not mandatory, but it is appreciated. The amount to tip depends on the level of service provided. If the service is excellent, a tip of 10% of the total bill is appropriate. If the service is average, a tip of 5% is sufficient. However, if the service is poor, it is not necessary to leave a tip.

When to Tip in Restaurants

Tipping in Bali is usually done at the end of the meal when paying the bill. It is customary to leave the tip in cash rather than adding it to the credit card payment. If you are unsure whether to leave a tip or not, you can ask the waiter or waitress if they accept tips.

It is important to note that some restaurants in Bali include a service charge in the bill. In this case, it is not necessary to leave an additional tip. You can check the menu or ask the waiter or waitress if a service charge has been included.

Overall, tipping in restaurants in Bali is a personal decision. If you feel that the service provided was exceptional, leaving a tip is a great way to show your appreciation.

Tipping for Other Services

When it comes to tipping for other services in Bali, the general rule is to tip if you feel like the service was exceptional. It is not expected but is always appreciated.

Tipping for Tour Guides

If you have a tour guide in Bali, it is customary to tip them at the end of the tour. The amount you tip can vary depending on the length of the tour and the level of service provided. A typical tip is around 10% of the total cost of the tour.

Tipping for Housekeeping

If you are staying in a hotel or villa in Bali, it is common to leave a small tip for the housekeeping staff. This can be around 10,000 to 20,000 IDR per day of your stay. You can leave the tip on the bedside table or desk with a note thanking them for their service.

Tipping for Spa Services

If you are getting a massage or other spa service in Bali, it is customary to tip the therapist. A typical tip is around 10% of the total cost of the service. However, some spas may include a service charge in the bill, so it is always best to check before tipping.

A modern, white iPad connected to a white card reader.

When Not to Tip in Bali

While tipping is generally appreciated in Bali, there are some situations where it is not necessary or even discouraged:

  • At Local Markets: Bargaining is a common practice in Bali’s markets, and the price you agree upon is the final price. Tipping the vendor may be seen as insulting or unnecessary.
  • At Warungs: Warungs are small, family-owned restaurants that serve traditional Balinese cuisine. These establishments often do not include a service charge, but tipping is not expected.
  • At Small Accommodations: If you are staying in a homestay or small guesthouse, tipping is not necessary. The staff members are often family or friends of the owner and are not paid a wage.
  • For Basic Services: Tipping for basic services such as filling up your petrol tank, buying a ticket, or using a public restroom is not expected.

It is important to note that while tipping is not always necessary, it is still important to treat service workers with respect and gratitude. A simple thank you or smile can go a long way.

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